2024-01-16-ASONP Meeting – Jeff Schultz

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Jeff Schultz gave a presentation titled Winter Photography speaking in depth about his experiences photographing Alaskan landscapes, wildlife, and adventure in winter. He shared tips on using various filters, long exposure times, composition, and more. He also gave suggestions on how to stay warm while being outside in the cold. Jeff Schultz has been a… continue reading »

2023-12-13 ASONP Meeting – Nocturnal Obsession

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ASONP Board member Carl Johnson gave a presentation, “Nocturnal Obsession,” about the aurora borealis. He provided scientific information about what causes the aurora borealis, gave advice on tools on how to successfully chase the aurora, debunked some misconceptions about the aurora, and provided tips on how to photograph the aurora borealis. After the presentation, member… continue reading »

Is AI Good for Photography?

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The technology now exists that will allow AI (artificial Intelligence) to produce about any image that you desire. AI can make an image without using a camera by utilizing millions or billions of real photographs to make virtually any picture. Want a picture of a moose next to a pond? No problem, AI can do… continue reading »


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Conservation photographer Katherine Feng presented a program on how she approaches conservation photography to educate the public about wildlife, their habitat and people’s efforts to protect them. She works closely with the different nature reserves in China where she donates her images for conservation purposes. Katherine’s presentation will feature photos of China’s giant and lesser… continue reading »

2023-04-11 ASONP Meeting: Fredrik Norsell & Nancy Pfeiffer presents Our Backyard Saw-Whet Family

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Enjoy a visual journey as Fredrik and Nancy observe a pair of Saw-Whet Owls hatch and raise a family of four nestlings in a nestbox on their property. The presentation encompasses their experience while spending countless hours observing them, and what Fredrik and Nancy learned about their biology. It also includes the pre-cautions they took… continue reading »

2023-03-14 alaskaWILD 2023 Presentation with Jessica Rix

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alaskaWILD 2023 Judge Jessica Rix gave her presentation on the judging of our annual show for 2023, as well as her history as a photographer and instructor with the Rocky Mountain School of Photography. A video presentation of all entries submitted for this year’s alaskaWILD was shown, followed by a video presentation of winning entries… continue reading »

Pixel Shift – A Quick Look

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By John R. DeLapp What is Pixel Shift? If you own a camera that has a “high resolution” option, your camera uses pixel shift to boost the native resolution to a higher level. The term “pixel shift” is a bit misleading – the pixels don’t move – only the sensor holding the pixels moves. In… continue reading »

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