alaskaWILD is a prestigious annual juried photo exhibit featuring the natural beauty of Alaska and its wilderness. It is sponsored by the Alaska Society of Outdoor and Nature Photographers.

alaskaWILD logo

The main goals of alaskaWILD are to celebrate the unique beauty and wildness of Alaska, and to promote amateur and professional photographers. It is the only statewide juried exhibition solely dedicated to nature photography. Unlike many juried exhibits, the images in this exhibit are available for sale.

Each year the Alaska Society of Outdoor and Nature Photographers solicits images from all over the state of Alaska to be submitted for anonymous judging in six categories: Flora, Fauna, Iconic Alaskan Fauna, Landscape, Intimate Landscape and Monochromatic. A professional judge selects approximately 30-36 images for inclusion in the year-long print exhibition that travels across Alaska. Prizes are awarded to the images the judge selects for Best of Show, Best of Category, and those images worthy of Honorable Mention.

The exhibition travels throughout the state of Alaska. As the show travels, people viewing the exhibit have the opportunity to vote for their favorite image. The image that receives the most votes at the end of the year receives the “People’s Choice Award.” Along with the traveling print show, all selected images are promoted and sold through ASONP’s PhotoShelter site, as well as compiled into the alaskaWILD photobook.

Part of the mission of the ASONP is to promote self-improvement in the art of outdoor and nature photography, and to assist photographers in marketing and selling their work. ASONP is accomplishing its mission through alaskaWILD. Through alaskaWILD, professional, amateur and beginning photographers have the opportunity to give people around Alaska and the Lower 48 a greater appreciation of the Great Land of Alaska.

The 2025 contest and exhibition has been canceled. Check the E-news and website for updates on the 2026 contest.

We need volunteers to make this happen! If you would like to help, send an email to

alaskaWILD 2024

Best of Show - Jen Corbell - Invigorating Combination

Best of Show – Jen Corbell – Invigorating Combination

Celebrating 37 years of alaskaWILD!

Images from previous shows can be seen by year on the website in the alaskaWILD drop-down menu. Click the alaskaWILD menu tab to return to this page.


Jon Cornforth

Walker Glacier from my Tatshenshini-Alsek river trip in June

Jon Cornforth

Since 2001, Jon Cornforth has traveled year-round to explore exotic locations and to photograph the unique creatures who live there. All of his images are captured in the wild. In 2016, Jon moved his family from Seattle in the Pacific Northwest to the beautiful Hawaiian island of Kauai. He lives on the north shore with his wife and daughters.

Jon had the following comments to say about this year’s alaskaWILD: “Thank you for the opportunity to judge the alaskaWILD 2024 Photography Competition. As a photographer who has spent a significant amount of my career traveling throughout your state, I was impressed with the diversity of imagery that I was able to judge. While I certainly have my own style and technique, I was excited to review so many great nature photos. I ultimately selected the overall winner based on how relatable it was to anyone who has spent time in Alaska. The overcast light, rain, and fleeting fireweed display were all captured perfectly. I was impressed with the image’s thoughtfulness, since most people would overlook this moment as just another part of their day. I commend the winner and every member of the club for their efforts.

2024 People’s Choice Award

People's Choice Winning photo

2024 People’s Choice- Colin Tyler – Paws and Reflect

The annual People’s Choice voting award is cumulative with ballots being cast throughout the current year at each venue. 

A whopping 3161 votes were cast during the 2024 Exhibition! Thank you to the general public for participating and voting for your favorite photo!

Future alaskaWILD Contests and Exhibitions

The alaskaWILD contest is ON HOLD until a new coordinator & committee are found.
We need volunteers to make this happen! If you would like to help, please send an email to
Check the E-news and this webpage for updates on whether there will be a future contest.

Past alaskaWILD Exhibitions

Images from previous shows can be seen by year on the website in the alaskaWILD Tab drop-down menu. Click the Header Tab to return to this page.

Contact Information

If you would like to help bring this wonderful contest back, please reach out at the email address below and a Board Member will reply to you.